I hope that I can learn to be alive even when I'm away from you.

alvarna just putting some notes here for now (since this is the landing page??)


this says i have 140 viewers already which is kind of funny, hello to anyone that stops by while i'm setting this up.

for now i'm just trying to figure out the layout, and i am by no means a capable coder. some things to add for the future: about page, some kind of archive if it's not auto generated, maybe a guest page if i feel like figuring that out/being social on here (wouldn't hurt), some kind of directory on the side (for navigating the things im adding for the future), maybe some banners? for funsies old web reasons. what else...


pic of satan i'm putting here just to remind myself how to put images.. things to figure out later maybe how to make font smaller? altho if this is just a landing page idk